Bagrationovsk Hospital, Kaliningrad, Russia
I was born in August 31.1958 (Karaganda, Kazakhstan), married, sportsman. After leaving school, I went to Omsk State Medical Institute on the medical-prophylactic faculty in 1975 (Russia) and graduated with honors in 1981. My length of service in general/urgent/traumatic, thoracic, abdominal surgery and surgical oncology is 43 years. I perfectly perform complex and major procedures on lung, mediastinum, stomach, esophagus, colon, rectum, breast, etc.: combined and extended esophagogastrectomies Ivor-Lewis, Garlock, transhiatal esophagectomies with anastomosis on the neck, gastric tube, colonic, and small intestinal esophagoplastics, surgery for neuromuscular esophagus diseases, etc., combined pneumonectomies (resection of pericardium, atrium, aorta, trachea, carina, vena cava superior, diaphragm, vena azygos, ribs, etc.), bilobectomies, lobectomies, bronchoplastic and angio-bronchoplastic operations, circular resections of trachea, tracheoplastics, mediastinal tumor extirpations, thoracoscopic procedures, combined total gastrectomies through left thoracoabdominal or abdominal incision (resection of esophagus, diaphragm, mesocolon, duodenum, splenectomy, hemipancreatectomy, etc.) and partial (proximal, distal) gastrectomies, lymphadenectomies D2-D4, surgery for duodenum & gastric ulcers, reconstructive gastroesophageal surgery, pancreatoduodenal resections, liver resections, hemicolonectomies, resection of colon transversum, sigma resection, rectum extirpation, anterior rectum resection, laparoscopic procedures, mastectomies, venectomies, herniaplastics, etc. I am licensed for thoracic, abdominal, general surgery and surgical oncology in the UK (GMC), Ireland (IMC), Lithuania and Russia (Highest Category). I was awarded with 3 international premiums (Japan, 2000; Greece, 2001; the USA, 2004). I have been acting in general surgery and cancer research since 1975 – basic sciences (cell and molecule oncobiology, immunooncology); since 1977 – computer sciences (cybernetics, artificial intelligence, system analysis, prediction, simulation modeling, statistics, biometrics); since 1979 – thoracic and abdominal surgery, clinical and surgical oncology (screening, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of lung, gastric, esophagus, colorectal, breast cancer, etc.). I defended two dissertations at the turn of thoracic and abdominal surgery, oncology, immunology, cell biology, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, system analysis, synergetics, prediction, simulation modeling, statistics, biometrics: 1) For the Degree of Philosophy Doctor on the subject: «Optimization of Diagnosis Process for Patients with Malignancies» in 1992 (Prof. N.N.Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, St.Petersburg, Russia); 2) For the Degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the subject: «Expert Systems of Diagnosis and Prognosis of Malignant Neoplasms» in 1995 (Scientific-Research Institute of Oncology in Tomsk Scientific Center of Academy of Medical Sciences of Russia, Tomsk, Russia). I have 15 patents (20 inventions for screening, early detection, diagnosis and prognosis of malignancies) and 155 publications.